childbirth education 

informed childbirth education course

Are you looking for relevant and practical information based on evidence for your pregnancy and labor?

This class is broken up into two four-hour sessions centered around informed childbirth that will prepare you for upcoming labor and birth.

topics include

  • Exercises to prepare the body for labor and birth

  • When to go to your place of birth

  • Phases and stages of labor 

  • Comfort measures and relaxation techniques for each stage and phase

  • Working with the body in labor

  • How to communicate with your care providers

the details

  • This eight hour course consists of two classes, four hours each.

  • The cost for both classes is $250 and classes can be taken out of order.

  • Are you ready to sign up? Fill out this form.

Part 1 | March 1st
Statesville, NC

Part 2 | April 5th
Statesville, NC

Part 1 | May 3rd
Statesville, NC

Part 2 | June 7th
Statesville, NC

Part 1 | July 12th
Statesville, NC

Part 2 | August 2nd
Statesville, NC

Part 1 | September 6th
Statesville, NC

Part 2 | October 4th
Statesville, NC

upcoming course dates

A black and white photo of a laboring mother sitting down while her birthing partner and older child stand next to her; the midwife watches from a distance.

Classes can be taken out of order

I’m a certified labor doula and birth photographer. There’s nothing I love more than supporting your through the greatest journey of your life and documenting it so that you can revisit those moments for years to come. 

A round photo in black and white of an older brother kissing his newborn sibling.
A round photo of a laboring mom in a birthing pool while her partner holder her hand through a contraction.
A round photo of a baby born via c-section with the doctor holding the baby.
A small round photo of a mother holding up her newborn as they look at each other nose to nose.
A round, black and white photo of a laboring woman leaning on her partner for support while they stand outdoors.
A small round photo of a mother snuggling her freshly-born baby who is covered in vernix.
Liza White, doula, childbirth educator, and birth photographer.

hello, I’m Liza

I’m a mom to two kids and a bonus daughter. I had two very different birth experiences and I’m fascinated by how birth can be empowering.

I love to connect with my clients and help them create the birth experience they looking for.

These classes will provide you with the evidence based information you need to prepare for your birth.  These classes are included for my clients but available for anyone to take.

Informed childbirth education classes signup